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On September 1, 1949... by Pastor Don Young

What great power there is in numbers. While man often requires many people to get involved his plans to accomplish great things, God often chooses to call one soul at a time. He is able to meet His own needs, but He will allow one or a few to join him simply to allow them to be blessed by being in His great plan. Numbers are significant to me. On September 1st, 1949, I was born in Vinita, Oklahoma. Those numbers may mean very little to you, but that is when my story began. On December 25th, 1965, I left home to begin my full-time ministry. Again, these numbers are unique to my life and purpose. Last December when I celebrated 50 years of ministry, my life purpose began to seem more real. I have given my life to spreading the “good news” around the globe and I have been honored to be used to establish the Kingdom’s work in many difficult and often seemingly impossible places. This month, I turn 68 years old and I am ready for my completed harvest of soul-winning. I want my greatest soul harvest ever.

During a recent Spirit of Truth Ministers Conference in Springfield, Illinois, Pastor Steve Miller shared how we met and that, if it had not been for this ministry, all that they are accomplishing in their many ministries, church and outreach efforts would never have been possible. I was shaken to realize that it is often one person, who is chosen for a specific mission, who can change the futures of thousands of lives for the Lord’s work. What if I had not left my father’s ministry in 1965 and not had faith to believe for this long journey? This Jubilee year is special to me because I realize it is the season of my harvest for faithfulness. I know that every seed you and I have sown will not, cannot not, return void, but God will accomplish everything He intended. God is the one who has put miracle life in every one of those seeds. Get ready today to witness it as well and prepare yourself to hold in your hands every manifested harvest of your lifetime of faithful sowing. I am seeing it in mine and in every area of this...God’s ministry. I am asking for you to believe fully and expect a bigger manifested harvest.

God will not be mocked. Whatsoever you have sown into the lives of ministry in others you will reap in your body, family and future. That is a “Thus saith the Lord” quote.

I talked at length this week with a young lady in Illinois, who I met over 25 years ago in Springfield, Ohio. She was lying in a coma in the ICU. after a terrible car accident. They had given very little hope of recovery. I anointed her head with oil and prayed the prayer of faith. God raised her up and her parents brought her to church to testify. She said, “You were the one who came in to my room and the only face I could remember.” Miracles last and God still wants to be glorified by the miraculous.



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