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Looking forward into 2019, God’s people must come to a stronger and confident trust in His word; for His word alone will sustain us in the year ahead. Just as the Lord spoke to my heart last January, we all faced several changes and we all experienced what God called a year of Holy Confrontations and Divine Catalysts. I am so thankful that God planned and executed His perfect will and timing in everything we went through, as a family, a church, and as the Body of Christ. Looking back, we can easily see the Hand of God was upon every change and provided blessings. Many great changes are still in progress and God will be right there with us to navigate us into His completed glory and perfect blessings. In the year before us, we need to continually repeat what our faith believes, “God’s got this.”

It has been my privilege for many years, at the beginning of every year, to be invited to bring a prophetic insight to God’s people over the radio outreach of my dear friends and Christian counselors, Bill & Sandi Griffin. My scripture verse was Hebrews 12:27. Simply put, God said “I will shake everything that can be shaken, around your lives and the only thing that will remain is the kingdom.” My friend, we have come to the time of witnessing God’s power and His anointing like never in our lives. We all have obstacles or hindrances that held back Gods best for us in the areas of answered prayers, unfulfilled prophetic utterance, or completed victories. Nothing is too hard for our Father God. How badly do you want God’s will in your life, your body and family? I have become desperate to witness what I feel lies just ahead for all who choose God’s way and His will.

I have been diligently seeking God for His greater works for the people and I need you to come into diving agreement with God’s Word and His Will. This is a serious hour and I want to join with you, in serious consecration, for God’s glory to be revealed in your life. Are you ready, whatever the cost, to begin see God shake everything that has to be shaken out of your life and family? Imagine, only the things that are of God’s kingdom will remain.



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