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Do you ever just stop for just a moment and consider how many things are changing around you? Let me repeat this Word from the Lord, “I will shake everything that can be shaken, and only the kingdom will remain.” A true prophetic word will often rebound in our thoughts for a long season. When God spoke this Word to me, I could not fully comprehend the vastness of its full meaning. We are all beginning to see the reason for this warning. God reminds us that we are not to be moved by what we see or hear, but we must remain steadfast with our confidence in our Father who cannot and will never fail us or His Word of Promise to us. God is proving himself right now, in the middle of the many quick-changing government situations, health, financial threats, etc. God’s got this…and God’s got you!!

We were all recently challenged to make a “5 Most Wanted” list for salvations, healings, and for those people in greatest danger or need. This week, we received a miracle report of a prodigal’s return that had been one of those long-awaited answers to prayer. As soon as I heard this report, the Lord spoke to me that the bondages are being released and captivity is being loosed. This is God’s season for our prodigals to return home. We must take our stand and agree for all our prodigals to wake up and be stirred with a new desire to return to the Father’s house. Will you believe the Word of the Lord for someone special in your life?

Now, God has released a truth for the harvest that I must share with you. We all believe in the power of the Holy Ghost, and we know that it contains 9 powerful gifts. The Lord revealed to me a key for it to fully function properly in our lives. All the Fruits of the Spirit also abide in the Holy Spirit. One of the most needed and sweetest fruits of the spirit is kindness. God shook my heart with this need when I saw how the prodigal was not welcomed by his own brother. Beloved, when God brings your long-lost loved ones, be ready with overwhelming kindness and acceptance to quickly restore them in meekness. God warns us about losing our first love for Him and our brothers. I see the hog pen becoming empty and the prodigals like a new army headed home to the Father’s house. This month, this is our focus, and we agree with you.

Will you join us in prayer this month for these special promises to come alive in your life and family? We need your sacrificial support more than ever, but we also need your faith to join daily with us to see the greatest outpouring of family salvation ever. We certainly appreciate all that you have done, so faithfully, to help maintain our vision and even increase our many soul-winning outreaches. We are happy to be in this ministry together with you.



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