Cathy and I are always so very thankful that you are such a blessing to us and to this ministry. I love this time of the year. For nearly 30 years, we have been able to take new toys, coats, shoes, gloves, pillows, and blankets to hundreds of children in needy families. We love supplying a complete Christmas dinner to these families as well. Every outreach is made possible by the love and compassion for the souls that Jesus died to save, heal, and deliver. As we again approach this wonderful season, I must stop and rejoice over the true reason for this season. Jesus came to earth to forgive all the sins of humanity. He came knowing He would be scourged on a cruel whipping post and become our sin sacrifice upon a rugged cross. I have learned to thank Him many times during my busy days for that greatest event in human history. I am saved by faith through His great grace. That is what Christmas means to me. I know that you, too, are eternally grateful for what this season means to you and your family. Being rich is never about money or tangible stuff under a tree. Once we recognize the true meaning of Christmas, we are blessed and will always try to become, as the writers declare, “Jesus with skin on.” You help so much in making it all happen. I want to remind you how much it means to have you at our side, especially in these constantly changing days.
As this unbelievable season began, God started speaking pinpoint accurate prophetic promises for His children. All throughout this unusual year He has revealed secrets of His divine provision and plans. When God said, “Everything that can be shaken, will be shaken, so the true kingdom will be established,” it all began. When He commanded us to “expect constant changes,” we began witnessing them in every area of life, government, and family. As we close out this year, I am asking the Lord to speak clearly to all of us who want His will in our lives and those who want His presence. We shall surely be protected, provided for, and made aware of His life-saving graces. When God directed us to allow Him to create a THRIVING SPIRIT within us, He began to develop miracles and healings that only come with this higher calling. “Striving” wears us out while “Thriving” provides liberating victories within His sweet Holy Spirit. I see that 2022 is destined to perfect the body of Christ and allow manifestations we have waited for all our lives! Expect God to divinely direct your footsteps as He accelerates into our growth for greater thriving. I am ready to be a prophetic voice to your life with clarity in 2022.