God demands that we enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. The only way that we are able to approach God and receive is when we come to Him with a thankful, trusting, and believing heart. What a powerful revelation! When we are truly a thankful individual, we will enjoy our life having a greater confidence in God’s constant goodness and love for us. Imagine, a church that is constantly filled with this precious spirit.
In October, God gave us a supernatural experience of His presence and a revelation that comes from imagining our lives with the mind of Christ. We were taught to let go of all past things and look forward unto our God-promised future and the designed plans of God for our lives. We were shown how there is a new wind blowing with a fresh move of the “Pentecost” experience. This is not a feast of Pentecost, but a needed daily infilling that will empower the church to do the miracles, signs, and wonders promised to us from the Lord. We began anointing the body of Christ for their Miracle Healings. We began seeing miracles and healings right before our eyes. Undeniable changes began to happen to bodies. It has stirred our hearts to be honest about how much we really believe God’s word concerning healing. “These signs shall follow them that believe.” Every believer can produce gifts and the fruits of the Holy Ghost Spirit. It’s happening now. We want you to experience God’s best.
Also, during our recent Imagine Ministry Conference, the Lord spoke to my heart to set apart my daughter, April, to be Ordained. WOW! She has carried such an anointing for her young adult ministry and leads weekly street prayer walks in our city and It was time for the body to recognize her leadership. Cathy and I are so thankful that all our children work for God.
November is the month we realize our need to be thankful for all that God is doing for us. It is also our final month to prepare for our annual Christmas Outreach. Due to the overwhelming needs of so many local children, this year we are finally able to have our outreach right here in Ohio in Fayette County. Several schools will help by inviting 400-600 children. All will receive new, warm coats, new toys, shoes, blankets, pillows, etc. and a complete Christmas dinner basket for every family. We are asking all who can to donate a $30 Christmas love gift to make it happen even bigger and better. Cathy and I so appreciate you. We want to challenge you this year to not only touch the lives of these many children but help us to follow up with them in ministry, as needed, at our local church. We honor you and are thankful that you are connected so powerfully with us in ministry. We really do love you. We stand in faith right now and fully expect God’s miracle healings for you.