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Every year, we look with anticipation for what God will be doing during this “Love Month.” The Spirit has heavily impressed on me to look into the prophetic realm to see what God is doing as he continues this anointed year of “personal spiritual shaking.” When it comes to receiving all the benefits in the power of God’s Love for us, there has always been a strong attack against the body of Christ. That is an attack that God will never allow to stop our promises. We want you to remember this daily, God will be shaking everything about me today. Above all that we want for you, your whole family and future, this month, we want to see you begin to walk into your glorious calling and purpose. Noah’s call was to prepare a life-preserving place for his family. His call involved all God’s future plans for mankind on a new earth. I feel an urgency to ask you a life-changing question…Are you ready for God to remove everything that hinders the true purpose He has placed upon your life here on earth? I want to tell you right now, God is ready to remove everything that robs you from your fulfilling your heavenly calling and from Him from receiving His glory. I vow to you that, beginning now, I am praying for you to allow God’s perfect will to be done, in all areas of life… “in earth as it is in heaven.” Then, when you stand before God having fulfilled His plan for your life, He will be able to say to you, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” That plan starts today. God’s number #1 plan is for your whole family’s salvation. Thank God!

Weekly, Spirit of Truth Ministries reaches around the earth speaking eternal life, salvation and healing to God’s children, saved and multitudes of yet unsaved. With your financial support, we want to bring home God’s children and shake the earth for His glory. God cannot be mocked; you will reap whatsoever you sow into His kingdom. Thank you for helping and know this…we love you and appreciate you so much.



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