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This year has provided so many new opportunities for ministry. Too often, we tend to see struggles and threatening attacks as defeats, but our great God has a plan for every situation that we face; to turn into a benefit or blessing that we cannot obtain in any other way. I love the scripture that declares, “All things work together for them that love the Lord and those of who are called according to His purpose.” Yes, He said “all things” are becoming good for those of us who are called and walking according to His greater purpose. In my 5 and ½ decades of full-time ministry, I have always witnessed that this promise is very true. During this July season, I expect God to spiritually provide independence from all the attacks and lies of the enemy.

With His own words, the Lord told us that “The enemy has come only to kill, steal, and to destroy, but I have come that you might have LIFE and life more abundantly.” In my last Prophetic Scroll, the Lord let me see that there would be constant attacks and life changes. Then, He promised to come closer to us than any of us have ever witnessed before. We have watched the miracles of those facing death & disease healed, and financial difficulties turn into greater opportunities for souls to be saved and delivered. All things we have faced are truly turning again for a testimony (Luke 21:13). God never plans for our defeat. He only promises that His plans are for our good and for His eternal glory to be revealed in us. Get ready for your current life experiences to be changed and for God to powerfully reveal Himself in the midst of all of our threats.

During this 4th of July season, our country is feeling the national effects provided by our forefathers’ sacrifices. Now, we are about to experience a supernatural “spiritual Independence,” not from the control of Britain, but from all control of the enemy. I really feel impressed to ask that you will join me in decreeing total independence; yes, freedom from everything Satan has brought into our life and the lives of our loved ones. I am being led to declare and speak this kind of freedom once and for all. This will glorify God and we shall be greatly rewarded for accepting what God intended for us through Christ’s blood and sacrifices on our behalf. Please meditate on what this means for you, your future, and for your family in every situation you have faced for so long. Write down what the Holy Spirit leads you write and return it to me quickly. I will place it upon the alter of prayer and we shall see glorious changes and victories, in Jesus’ precious name. We love you and we appreciate your support, and the fact that you trust this ministry as you stand with us as we together experience our “spiritual Independence and freedom.” We honor your faithfulness.



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