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The Lord has revealed to me a much-needed word for the body of Christ. I want to keep you constantly informed of what I see and feel in the spirit - not only for you but also everyone and everything you hold dear to your heart. The word of God has been boldly shaking me with this simple, yet profound truth, "Begin to fully expect to experience all that God has spoken to you, and all things that your heart has longed for.”

I feel like I can share my heart’s strongest secrets and spiritual feelings with you today. Whenever we are encountering what may seem like overwhelming odds, in that season is exactly when the Lord wants to reveal himself and allow us to grow stronger in new areas of our faith and understanding of Him. Can I tell you that right now that I have never been more shaken with holy anticipation for the greater works ministry to flow in and through each of our lives? Remember, God never makes promises that he does not completely bring to pass. I feel such a stirring in my spirit to see a return to biblical truth and to complete honesty, with restored integrity throughout the body of Christ. I am fully expecting a great move of God like the present world has never witnessed. I am ready to watch God draw his unsaved and broken children home to his bleeding side, through our witness and dedicated lives. I am ready to reap the sowing of my 56 years of ministry. God will not let us down. Our prayers will be answered. I keep hearing this old hymn, “Hold on my child, Joy comes in the morning. The darkest hour means dawn is just in sight.” (Psalm 30:5)

Our number one goal at Spirit of Truth Ministries is SOUL-WINNING! Whenever Cathy and I are seeking God for His will for you, we boldly embrace His Word and He always reminds us of the bloody price His son, Jesus, paid to answer all our serious prayer needs. You are never alone in your faith walk. We consider it our highest calling to reach souls and to bring restoration & victory to all who depend upon us for prophetic accuracy and insights. Again, I remind you that this is God’s season to manifest all that His children faithfully expect. Expectation means we do believe all of God’s promises as we are fully involved in His work.



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