As we face this year so full of possibilities, Cathy and I want to help you as you navigate the most important changes you will ever encounter. This is possibly the most serious hour that we have ever seen. I am listening to the Lord’s voice as He is, again, allowing me to prepare a prophetic scroll that will be there to strengthen you for every step, every situation, and every change that you will face.
In the seriousness of this hour, God wants you to be able to see Him with a clearer vision and to know Him and His constant presence. When Israel came out of Egypt’s bondage, God wanted His people to be able to see Him in each miracle and each step that they took toward their promised land. He opened the Red Sea that was meant to stop them, and it became their first opportunity to see God’s provision. Then, they looked back to see God destroy all their enemies in one day. God led them and wanted them to see His provision. When God poured out manna at their doorstep every morning, He wanted them to see that He will always provide. He wanted them to see that He was leading them every day with the pillar of cloud that cooled the desert days and that He was able to ignite a fire to cover their camps in every freezing night for 40 years. Today, He still wants us to see Him in every detail of our journey, a spiritual journey to our personal fulfillment and manifestation of every promise. So, I declare that you will see every promise from God completely fulfilled.
When God delivered Israel from 430 of unbelievable years of bondage and slavery, He brought them forth with silver and gold and there was not one feeble one among their tribes. Look at that with me. He paid them for all their years of mistreatment. Yes, He restored them financially and He also restored their health. Imagine 2.5 million people healed in one night. I want us to see God as our healer and see Him and the God of all restoration needed.
We have not, many times, because we ask not. Let us begin to ask in faith, nothing wavering but seeing a God who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we could even think or ask. I want us to see our God who really is more than able. This month, as we prepare to accept His promises for 2020, we must begin to see Him as He is. I am so excited with you for every manifestation and for all your long-awaited blessings. Remember, what He has promised, cannot fail. I know they are coming. Can you see it? Keep us informed as to how we can pray and, remember, we are available daily to speak prophetically and prayerfully into your life.