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As we prepare for this resurrection month, I want to be ever mindful of all that Jesus came and accomplished for me. I know He paid the penalty of death, hell, and the grave for all mankind, but during this month, I want us all to be seriously aware of all that He intended for each of us. This is a powerful theme that is often overlooked, “Jesus so greatly loves ME.”

I realize that there are several awesome new awakenings with movies like “Jesus Revolution,” streaming series like “The Chosen, plus what God is doing in Asbury University and campuses nationwide. I believe that these events are lining up for a spiritual revival that is the result of our greater desire and willingness to pray more diligently for at real sovereign move of His spirit. God told me, “Nothing of eternal significance happens outside of His divine presence.” Never has a soul been saved, a body healed, or loved one delivered without His presence manifesting.

The church will give attention to the Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem that within a week lost the people’s attention…when those same followers railed against him asking for His death. Then, we will gladly celebrate His willingness to be scourged. Knowing that only His blood can heal and save. Finally, we again feel the grief along with his mother and a few close followers standing at the base of His cross watching Him die for the sins of all humanity. I love and hurt, year after year, as these most powerful scenes are portrayed in our minds. Then, again, I want us all to realize that we are at a critical season of humanity; when the greatest move we have ever witnessed is available in us and through our willing lives to again touch our world with a true spiritual reviving that only His innocent and perfect blood made available to all. We are seeing the hand of God moving for us to experience a new beginning and we are preparing for the unleashing of the final reaping season that includes all prayers we have prayed, all prophetic promises we have accepted, and the harvest of all our faith seed sown throughout our entire lives. God never fails to perform His word. He has never abandoned His promises. You will experience your personal manifestations in every area of your life.

April 3rd, Cathy and I celebrate our 51st wedding anniversary. What we desire more than anything is just to continue to walk together into all of God’s purposes and to enjoy His spirit. Cathy’s Body Building services on Tuesday nights have brought in more souls in months than we previously had witnessed all year. I tell you a mighty revival is here for all who desperately need life-changing miracles. This is the season for every seed sown to come forth as God has promised. It is now His provision. We want to win more souls than ever in our ministry. That is our reason to live. We love and appreciate you very much. This month, your sacrificial support will honor His sacrifice, while enabling us to plant our greatest soul-winning seeds. Expect family changes, healings, and deliverance for all you love. This is Resurrection Season.



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